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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 2017: summary

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Historic building recording and archaeological evaluation on land to the rear of Colne Place, 97 High Street, Earls Colne, Essex, CO6 2RB: January 2024
by Sarah Veasey

Date report completed: January 2024
Location: Rear of Colne Place, 97 High Street, Earls Colne, Essex, CO6 2RB
Map reference(s): TL 86045 28907 (centre)
File size: 4978 kb
Project type: Historic building recording and archaeological evaluation
Significance of the results:

Summary. A programme of historic building recording and archaeological evaluation was carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust on land to the rear of Colne Place, 97 High Street, Earls Colne, Essex. The site is located in the grounds of Colne Place (NHLE no. 1170224), a Grade II listed building. Colne Place is largely 19th century in date but incorporates the remains of an earlier 17th-/18th-century building.

The recording of the garden revealed four garden features; a wall, a gate with brick piers and two small sets of steps. Historic mapping indicates the garden was initially designed between 1839 and 1876 and the features added by 1896. The modern layout of the garden is reminiscent of that recorded on the 1st edition OS map.

A phase of archaeological evaluation was undertaken after the recording. Two trenches were excavated but neither revealed any archaeological remains, except a small quantity of finds recovered from the topsoil.