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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 2034: summary

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Historic building recording of a barn and store on land at Glebe House, Rectory Road, Stisted, Essex, CM77 9AL: March 2024
by Sarah Veasey

Date report completed: April 2024
Location: Glebe House, Rectory Road, Stisted, Essex, CM77 8AL
Map reference(s): TL 79752 25560
File size: 7468 KB kb
Project type: Historic building recording
Significance of the results:

Summary. A programme of historic building recording was carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust on a barn and attached store on land at Glebe House, Rectory Road, Stisted, Essex.

This report details the recording of a barn and attached store, which, when first constructed, would have been associated with the parish rectory. A handful of features present in the timber-framed building, such as the lap-dovetail joints on the collars, diagonal through-bracing, Baltic timber marks and English bond brickwork, indicate a construction date of mid to late 17th century.

The barn has a relatively small footprint, only two bays wide, as well as a single-width doorway on one elevation, suggesting it was used for crop storage rather than crop processing. The adjacent store was probably a small animal shed or tool store.