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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 1265: summary

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Archaeological recording and evaluation at East of England Co-op, High Street, Dedham, Essex, CO7 6DE April 2018
by Laura Pooley and Chris Lister
(with contributions from Stephen Benfield, Ben Holloway, Emma Holloway)

Date report completed: May 2018
Location: East of England Co-op, High Street, Dedham, Essex, CO7 6DE
Map reference(s): TM 05752 33180 (centre)
File size: 7714 kb
Project type: Recording and evaluation
Significance of the results: *

Summary. Archaeological recording and a test-pit evaluation was carried out inside the East of England Co-op, High Street, Dedham in advance of repairs and alterations to the building following a ram raid. The Co-op store is Grade II* listed in conjunction with the neighbouring Essex Rose Café (NHLE no. 1239326). The buildings are listed as being of 15th/16th-century date, but a recent Historic Building Recording as identified the main body of the building as timber-framed structure of c 1520 which formed the jettied hall range of a high-status merchant’s house. Investigations revealed: a hearth and floor layers likely associated with the c 1520 hall; a mid to late 18th-century courtyard to the rear of the hall, constructed of brick paviors, which was built over in the mid 19th century; and a mid 19th-century tiledfloor forming part of an extension to the rear of the property.