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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 908: summary

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Historic building recording of ‘The Warrens’, Warren Lane, Stanway, Essex: November 2015
by Chris Lister
(with contributions from -)

Date report completed: June 2016
Location: ‘The Warrens’, Warren Lane, Stanway, Essex
Map reference(s): TL 9515 2353 (centre)
File size: 5,564 kb
Project type: Historic building recording
Significance of the results: -
Keywords: 19th century, house, 20th century, outbuldings

Summary. Historic building recording was carried out on a complex of buildings at the former Par Air Services Pet Travel Company ('The Warrens'), Warren Lane, Stanway, Essex in November 2015. This work revealed that the complex comprised a mid-to-late 19th-century brick-built dwelling and a series of concrete and timber outbuildings dating to the 20th century. The dwelling had replaced a cottage and yard which were located on the site in the late 18th century. The dwelling was called the ‘The Warrens’, recalling the medieval warrens owned by Stanway manor on the adjacent land and it was the home of the local wheelwright and blacksmith in the mid- late 19th century.