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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 787: summary

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Archaeological monitoring and trial-trenching on land west of High Warren Farm, Lee Chapel Lane, Langdon Hills, Basildon, Essex: August 2014
by Mark Baister, Pip Parmenter

Date report completed: September 2014
Location: land west of High Warren Farm, Lee Chapel Lane, Langdon Hills, Basildon, Essex
Map reference(s): TQ 68102 87038
File size: 16,618 kb
Project type: Archaeological monitoring and trial-trenching
Significance of the results: negative

Summary. The proposed development lies on land west of High Warren Farm, along Lee Chapel Lane, Langdon Hills, Essex. Four trial-trenches (each 9m long) were excavated within the proposed footprints of four detached houses. These were located to avoid a former road and with the intention to identify a boundary associated with a post-medieval settlement at Nightingales Farm. The strip of the access road into the site was also subject to archaeological monitoring. No significant archaeological remains were encountered. The only features present were six modern pits and a modern linear feature.