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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 743: summary

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An archaeological watching brief at St George’s Church, Great Bromley, Essex - October 2013
by Ben Holloway and Howard Brooks
(with contributions from -)

Date report completed: November 2013
Location: St George’s Church, Great Bromley, Essex
Map reference(s): TM 0836 2683
File size: 1,537 kb
Project type: Archaeological watching brief
Significance of the results: neg
Keywords: modern

Summary. Great Bromley is mentioned in Domesday, and St George’s church itself dates from the 14th century. However, the fabric of the building (and, in particular, the chancel) may have been altered significantly by Victorian restoration. A watching brief was carried out in October 2012, on behalf of the PCC of the Bromleys (Fabric Committee) during the re-excavation and deepening of an existing drain to a new formation depth of 400mm (dug through topsoil only). No archaeological features or finds were seen in the narrow trench. A small amount of displaced cremated material and a brass marker plaque (probably disturbed during the original excavation of the drain) was left with the church authorities for reburial. The removal of plaster from an internal wall exposed an earlier door and possible window concealed by 19th-century restoration works.