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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 497: summary

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An archaeological evaluation at All Saints' Church of England Primary School, Highlands Drive, Maldon, Essex: December 2008
by Adam Wightman

Date report completed: December 2008
Location: All Saints' Church of England Primary School, Highlands Drive, Maldon, Essex
Map reference(s): TL 844 069 (c)
File size: 11,270 kb
Project type: Archaeological evaluation
Significance of the results: neg

Summary. An evaluation trench was excavated by CAT archaeologists on the 9th September 2008 prior to the extension of a classroom on the eastern side of All Saints' Church of England Primary School in Maldon, Essex. No archaeological deposits or remains were observed in the layers. No archaeological features were observed cut into the natural and the only finds collected were fragments of peg-tile and modern building material. These were not retained. No evidence of the Early Iron Age settlement to the north of the site or of activity relating to the Saxon burh to the east was uncovered.