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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 379: summary

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Watching brief report: formerly Parvins' Builders Yard, 72 High Street, Kelvedon, Essex
by Holloway, B

Date report completed: 02/08/2006
Location: Kelvedon, Essex
Map reference(s): TL86111872
File size: 1611 kb
Project type: Watching brief (negative)
Significance of the results: Neg
Keywords: post-medieval, ceramic building materials

Summary. The following groundworks were monitored: the stripping of the footprint of the new building, the excavation of foundation trenches, and the excavation of two drainage runs. The footprint of the building was stripped under archaeological supervision, and uncovered the remains of a post-medieval topsoil. This compacted material contained post-medieval and modern building material and was encountered across the entire site. No archaeological features were observed during the excavation of the foundation trenches or the trenches for the drainage runs. The only material observed during the course of the work was post-medieval and modern brick.