Colchester Archaeological Trust
CAT Report 132: summary
(Click on report title to view full report in PDF format)
Archaeological excavation and watching brief at Hollytrees Museum, Castle Park, Colchester, Essex: August 2000-February 2001
by Orr, K
Date report completed: 30/05/2001
Location: Colchester town centre, Essex
Map reference(s): TL99962527
File size: 2259 kb
Project type: Watching brief (negative)
Significance of the results: Neg
Keywords: Colchester castle, small finds, scheduled ancient monument, roman pottery, medieval pottery, animal bone
The excavations and watching brief showed that the building works did not have any impact on archaeological remains. Either excavations took place where the ground had previously been heavily disturbed or they were not deep enough to reach buried remains. The fills of the trenches mainly consisted of modern made-up ground, fill for drain trenches or brick foundations and rubble.