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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 106: summary

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A watching brief at 121 London Road, Marks Tey, Essex: October 2000
by Crossan, C

Date report completed: 31/10/2000
Location: Marks Tey, Essex
Map reference(s): TL91642368
File size: 122 kb
Project type: Watching brief, Watching brief (negative)
Significance of the results: Neg
Keywords: ceramic building materials, Roman pit

Summary. The development consisted of a row of bungalows at the rear of the site, also one plot near the London Road frontage. Foundation trenches were inspected at intervals between June and October 2000. The only noteworthy observation was in the corner of the site, adjacent to the rear of 117 London Road, where a 3m-deep north-east—southwest trench revealed a pit. The trench section was smeared and close examination of the feature was not possible for safety reasons. The greater part of the pit fill was a dark brown silty clay loam with a scatter of charcoal flecks, also occasional small shell and rare minute red tile or brick fragments. A fragment of 28mm-thick red tile, possibly Roman, was found on the ground next to the feature. In the absence of any other source, the tile seems most likely to have come from this pit.