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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 84: summary

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A watching brief on a borehole survey at Colchester Garrison: June 2000
by Crossan, C

Date report completed: 28/06/2000
Location: Garrison, Colchester, Essex
Map reference(s): TL99502371, TL98862353, TL99222322, TL98582312, TL99462300, TL99352254, TL99522327
File size: 1217 kb
Project type: Watching brief
Significance of the results: Neg

Summary. This report contains a record of the soil stratigraphy revealed in a series of 8 geotechnical boreholes on land belonging to Colchester garrison. As a preliminary to deep drilling, pits were hand-dug at each location to check for the presence of services and buried ordnance in the uppermost 1.2m of ground. Overall, no cut features were discernible in any of the pits. Stratigraphic evidence of modern (ie 19th-/20th-century) building and landscaping activity was revealed in the two pits at Kirkee and McMunn Barracks (BH2 and BH4), and also in the area to the south of the Ypres Road car park (BH1).