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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAR Report 5: summary

(Click on report title to view full report in PDF format)

Colchester Archaeological Report 5: The post-Roman small finds from excavations in Colchester 1971-85
by Nina Crummy
(with contributions from Barry Ager, Justine Bayley, David Buckley, Philip Crummy, Geoff Egan, Dr Patricia Galloway, Joy Hind, and Hilary Major)

Date report completed: 1988
Map reference(s):
File size: 24929 kb
Project type:
Significance of the results:
Keywords: post-roman, finds, metal-working, bone-working, waste material, military, brooch



Category 1: Objects of personal adornment or dress with contributions

Category 2: Toilet, surgical or pharmaceutical instruments

Category 3: Objects used in the manufacture or working of textiles with a contribution

Category 4: Household utensils and furniture

Category 5: Objects used for recreational purposes

Category 6: Objects employed in weighing and measuring

Category 7: Objects used for or associated with written communications

Category 8: Objects associated with transport

Category 9: Buildings and services

Category 10: Tools

Category 11: Fasteners and fittings

Category 12: Objects associated with agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry

Category 13: Military equipment

Category 14: Objects associated with religious beliefs and practices

Category 15: Objects and waste material associated with metal working

Category 16: Objects and waste material associated with antler, horn, bone and tooth working

Category 17: Objects and waste material associated with the manufacture of pottery vessels or pipeclay objects

Category 18: Objects the Function of Identification of which is Unknown or Uncertain


© 1988 Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd and English Heritage

ISBN 0-9503727-7-3